Izbaudiet visas dienas piedzīvojumu, lēkājot pa salām, un skatiet labāko no Praslinas un La Digue! Izbaudiet La Digue salas mierīgo atmosfēru. Apmeklējiet vēsturisko L` Union Estate, lai iegūtu unikālu ieskatu Seišelu salu vēstures pirmsākumos: atklājiet tradicionālo kreolu plantāciju māju, ar vēršu darbināmas kopras dzirnavas un tradicionālu laivu būvētavu. No turienes jūs aizvedīs uz Anse Source d`Argent – visvairāk fotografēto pludmali pasaulē! Gardas pusdienas tiek pasniegtas uz Le Cerf, pirms dodaties uz Praslinu un leģendāro Vallee de Mai. Šis aizvēsturiskais mežs ir iekļauts UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstā un kādreiz tika uzskatīts par Ēdenes dārza sākotnējo vietu. Šeit jums būs iespēja redzēt ikonisko coco de mer un, iespējams, ieraudzīt reto melno papagaili. Tālāk apmeklējiet pasaules slaveno Anse Lazio ar baltajām smiltīm un dzidrajiem ūdeņiem, kur varat peldēties vai atpūsties vienā no Seišelu salu labākajām pludmalēm.
- Royal Street, Michel Building, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles
Each Provider (Organizer) is an entrepreneur. All obligations related to contract execution lie with the Provider.
The contract for the provision of tourism services is concluded between you as the Client and the Provider through the SeePlaces platform.
All obligations related to the performance of the contract lie with the Provider. As a party to the contract, the Provider bears sole responsibility for the proper execution of the service.
SeePlaces, as the provider of the online platform, facilitates the Client's conclusion of a contract with the Provider, including enabling reservations and payments to the Provider. SeePlaces is not responsible for the content of the offer or the manner in which it is carried out by the Provider.
Any complaints related to the services provided by the Provider should be submitted directly to the Provider or via SeePlaces at the following email address: kontakt@seeplaces.com. SeePlaces will then promptly forward your concerns to the Provider. If any comments or concerns arise during the performance of the contract by the Provider, they can be reported at the location where the tourism service is provided. The Provider is responsible for handling complaints.
The entity responsible for the operation of the https://seeplaces.com platform is SeePlaces. Any comments regarding its operation can be submitted to the following email address: kontakt@seeplaces.com. SeePlaces will review them within 14 days from the date of receipt.
Detailed information about how the platform operates can be found in the SeePlaces Platform Terms of Use available in the footer of the www.seeplaces.com website.